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as nepheline and alunite rocks can be lower, in the range of 22-26%. While in the work of Edwards [5] published 1930 typical alumina content in bauxite was 60 % giving it more distinctive advantage, now bauxite of 38-43 % Al 20 3 is not uncommon. Whereas, in the beneficiated non-bauxitic products like coal fly

Alunite. Tambo Mine, El Indio deposit, Elqui Province, Coquimbo, Chile. Alunite, a hydrous sulfate, completely covers one side of the matrix on this small cabinet specimen. The amount of alunite is actually significant as specimens go, forming a solid layer that …

Lithocaps are composed of silicic and advanced argillic altered rocks, and represent an important target for porphyry-epithermal Cu-Au exploration. Previous studies showed that integrating alunite spectral and composition with lithocap whole-rock geochemistry can effectively aid exploration for concealed Cu-Au mineralization. The …

An acid calcination-water leaching method was developed to treat associated alunite tailings due to their high mass fraction of potassium and aluminum and simple crystalline phase composition. When the tailings first are calcined at 300 °C by 30% H 2 SO 4 solution with the liquid–solid ratio of 2:1 and then leached at 80 °C aqueous solution …

General Alunite Information : Chemical Formula: KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6 : Composition: Molecular Weight = 414.21 gm Potassium 9.44 % K 11.37 % K 2 O Aluminum 19.54 % Al 36.92 % Al 2 O 3 Hydrogen 1.46 % H …

Alunite, a widespread rock-forming sulfate mineral that occupies pockets or seams in volcanic rocks such as rhyolites, trachytes, and andesites, where it presumably formed through their chemical reaction with escaping sulfurous vapors. It has been used as a …

Mineral Group: Alunite group. Occurrence: Formed between 15 C and 400 C by the action of sulfate, which may be generated from pyrite or solfataric action, on aluminous rocks, commonly accompanied by kaolinitization and silicification. Association: Kaolinite, halloysite, diaspore, pyrite, gypsum, quartz.

Multi dintre noi avem alunite pe corp sau chiar pe fata. Fie ca sunt intr-un numar mai mare sau fie ca sunt doar cateva, nu exista om care sa nu aiba macar o alunita. V-ati intrebat vreodata de ce apar ele si daca putem avea probleme din cauza lor? Ei bine…astazi o sa vorbim putin despre asta. Alunitele nu ne incomodeaza cu nimic.

Alunite from this stage of alteration occurs in the matrix of barren breccias and as fine intergrowths of alunite–quartz±clays that selectively replaced feldspars and pumice fragments. The textural relationships combined with stable-isotope systematics suggest a magmatic-hydrothermal origin for the alunite, with a local magmatic steam …

The meaning of ALUNITE is a mineral that consists of a hydrous potassium aluminum sulfate and occurs in massive form or in rhombohedral crystals.

The study of alunite supergroup minerals (alunite, jarosite, and aluminum-phosphate-sulfate (APS) minerals) that are part of the acidic alteration assemblages, can help to better constrain the hydrothermal and supergene alteration events, as these minerals record information about the precipitation environment and the nature and …

Alunite. Alunite, or alumstone, is a mineral that was first observed in the 15th century in Monti della Tolfa, north to Rome, where it was mined for the manufacture of alum.First called "aluminilite" by J.C. Delametherie in 1707, this name was contracted by François Beudant in 1824 to alunite.. Distinct crystal s of alunite are rarely found in cavities in the massive …

In hand samples, alunite occurs as a fine-grained creamy white mineral, commonly found within veins and fracture-fills (Fig. 2 A, 2B).It also occurs as white patches of cement surrounding clasts of lithic fragments (Fig. 2 C).In some samples, alunite occurs as pervasive alteration of the volcanic host rocks (Fig. 2 D, 2E).Alunite was also found …

Alunite: Meanings, Properties and Powers. Alunite is a stone of stability and balance. The crystal resonates with the Yin-Yang energy to bring harmony into a person's life. If you think you could use a break from the chaos of the world, Alunite may be a good option to look into in order to bring some organization and tranquility into your life.

Alunite rosii – de ce apar. Apar fie la nastere, fie pe parcursul vietii. Poti fi mici sau mai mari. Unele raman rosii, altele devin maro inchis. Aceste semne nu sunt deloc dureroase. Denumirea știinţifică a acestor mici alunițe roșii este „angioame cherry". Sunt frecvente la persoanele cu pielea albă sau de vârstă mijlocie.

alunite alūnitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas.formulė KAl₃[(OH)₆|(SO₄)₂] atitikmenys: angl. alunite rus. алунит. Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas – 2-asis patais. ir papild. leid. – Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas.

Tipul de alunite epidermice apar la suprafata pielii. Cele dermice sau intradermice se dezvolta in derm si au o nuanta apropiata de cea a pielii, iar natura lor este benigna; cel mai adesea apar pe finalul copilariei sau in perioada maturitatii. [1] Cele cunoscute ca junctionale se formeaza deoarece melanocitele se acumuleaza in locul in care ...

alunite noun Etymology: French, from alun alum Date: 1868 a mineral that consists of a hydrous potassium aluminum sulfate and occurs in massive form or in rhombohedral crystals. New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

The alunite ore processing method consists of crushing, grinding and flotation of raw alunite ore. The enriched alunite ore is roasted at 520 to 620° C., the roasting time is 1 to 3 hours. The roasted alunite is leached with 5 to 20% sodium carbonate solution, which is in 100 to 110% of the stoichiometric amount required to bond the SO 3 ...

Alunite. Ammonioalunite (trigonal), (NH4)Al3(SO4)2(OH)6, is a member of the alunite subgroup. From: Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective, 2015. Related terms: ASTER; Epithermal Deposit; Jarosite; Adsorption; Illite; Montmorillonite; Sulfidation; Kaolinite; …

The alunite supergroup consists of more than 40 mineral species that have in common the general formula DG3(TO4)2(OH,H2O)6. The D sites are occupied by monovalent (e.g. K, Na, NH4, Ag, Tl, H3O), divalent (e.g. Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb), trivalent (e.g. Bi, REE) or more rarely quadrivalent (Th) ions; G is Al or Fe3+ or rarely Ga or V; T is S6+, As5+, or P5+, and …

Alunite Mineral Facts: Chemical Formula: KAl 3 (SO 4) 2 (OH) 6. Double sulfate of aluminum and potassium. It has also been called alumstone, on account of its use in the manufacture of alum. Colors: White, pink, gray or red. Its streak is white in color. Hardness: 4.

Occurs in Pinal County. Chemical Formula: KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6 Specific Gravity: 2.6-2.9 Luster: Vitreous to pearly Hardness: 3.5-4 Alunite is a sulfate mineral that is often found in the oxidized zones of sulfide ore deposits. It typically appears as white to pale colors and can sometimes be used as a source of aluminum. Next Pinal County mineral:

Aluminium phosphates and sulphates of the alunite supergroup (APS minerals) occur in a wide range of environments of formation covering the metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary realms. Supergene processes, including mineral dressing and dumping when sulphide ores are mined, as well as hypogene alteration are also …

[al′yo͞o nīt΄, al′yənīt΄] n. [Fr < alun < L alumen, ALUM1] a semihard, hydrous mineral, KAl3 (SO4) 2 (OH) 6, used to produce alum

Totul despre alunițe (nevi): tipuri, cauze, complicații. Alunițele, cunoscute și sub denumirea de nevi pigmentari, reprezintă excrescențe care se formează pe piele. Unele sunt înnăscute, în …

CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF THE ALUNITE SERIES: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE REFINEMENT OF ALUNITE ANS SYNTHETIC JAROSITE. Author MENCHETTI S; SABELLI C IST. MINER. UNIV., I-50121 FIRENZE ... le contenu de cette notice bibliographique peut être utilisé dans le cadre d'une licence CC BY 4.0 Inist-CNRS / …

Translations in context of "alunite" in French-English from Reverso Context: Sulfures d'arsenic, alunite, terre de pouzzolane, terres colorantes et autres matières minérales, n.d.a. ... de chlorite et de muscovite à partir d'images ASTER était un outil supplémentaire qui pouvait être utilisé pour trouver des zones d'altération ...

The alunite of the Marysvale gleposit lies principally in a large banded vein, cutting at steep inclination the volcanic rock (dacite or andesite) which forms the greater part of the Tushar Range. The views given in Plates I and II were taken November 2, 1911, and show the character of present development work, and the general ...

Această regulă este un protocol internațional pentru monitorizarea alunițelor. Sunt identificate 5 aspecte de care fiecare persoană trebuie să țină cont când vine vorba de alunițe: A – asimetrie. B – (border) bordurile sau marginile neregulate. C- culoarea – mai multe culori sau o pigmentare neuniformă. D – diametrul – mai ...

Alunite is an inconspicuous grayish massive mineral formed by the alteration of pyrite and other sulfides during weathering or solfatara activity. It is probably widespread in Wisconsin but has so far been reported from only one locality. Its habit, fine-grained nature and common intergrowth with minerals such as hematite, goethite, jarosite, melanterite and …

Abstract. Advanced argillic (AA) alteration produced by hydrothermal activity and subsequent supergene alteration in the Potrerillos district, Atacama Desert, Chile, includes sulfate-bearing and aluminosilicate alteration minerals.

Look at other dictionaries: Alunite — Alunite[1] égorie VII : sulfates, sélénates tellurates, chromates, molybdates, tungstates[2] … Wikipédia en Français. Alunite — Alunite, or alumstone, is a mineral that was first observed in the 15th century in Monti della Tolfa, north to Rome, where it was mined for the manufacture of alum. First called …

General Alunite Information : Chemical Formula: KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6 : Composition: Molecular Weight = 414.21 gm Potassium 9.44 % K 11.37 % K 2 O Aluminum 19.54 % Al 36.92 % Al 2 O 3 Hydrogen 1.46 % H 13.05 % H 2 O Sulfur 15.48 % S 38.66 % SO 3 Oxygen 54.08 % O ...

Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the molecular structure of different natural minerals of the alunite supergroup (AB 3 (XO 4) 2 (OH) 6), with A = K +, Na +, Ca 2+, Sr 2+, Ba 2+, B = Al 3+, Fe 3+ and X = S 6+, P 5+.The influence of the ions, in A-, B- and X-sites, is highlighted in the Raman spectra by variations in the position of certain …

alunite. alunite. a·lu·nì·te. s.f. TS mineral. minerale di colore bianco o rossiccio costituito da solfato idrato di alluminio e potassio DATA: 1845. ETIMO: dal fr. alunite, der. di alun "allume". Dizionario Italiano.

Alunițele sau nevii melanocitari sunt formațiuni benigne plane sau proeminente la nivelul pielii sau mucoaselor, care apar ca urmare a proliferării în grupuri a celulelor ce secretă pigmentul pielii. Sunt foarte întâlnite, marea majoritate a adulților având între 10-40 de alunițe pe corp. De obicei, fototipurile cutanate cu piele ...

The alunite in this sample have jarosite cores, which appear bright in this back-scattered SEM image (black arrows). Yellow arrow shows kaolinite (sample UT16-MN-Jp2). (E) Large euhedral cubic crystal that is possibly a siderite or hematite after pyrite pseudomorphs (white arrow) in the lower subunit. Large euhedral crystals are commonly ...

DF2014:Alunite. This article is about an older version of DF. Alunite is a magma-safe stone found in igneous extrusive and kaolinite stone layers in clusters. Aside from its potential applicability in controlling magma, alunite is entirely unremarkable and has the same value as every other common stone. This page was last edited on 20 December ...

Occurrence of Alunite and Useful Mineral Association. Alunite is formed between 15°C (59°F) and 400°C (752°F) by the action of sulfate generated from pyrite or solfataric action on aluminous rocks, along with silicification and kaolinitization. It is closely associated with quartz, gypsum, pyrite, diaspore, halloysite, and kaolinite.

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