Listen to music by Qari Karamat Ali. on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Qari Karamat Ali. including Dua and Tilawat Kalam Paak.

His unparalleled athletic feats and humanitarian deeds earned him accolades and honors around the world. Here's just a partial list of the awards he received during his life: 1963 – Grammy Award nomination. 1970 – Martin Luther King Jr National Holiday Lifetime Achievement Award. 1973, 1974, 1978 – BBC Overseas Sports Personality World ...
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World-renowned Qari Karamat Ali Naeemi breathed his last in Faisalabad on Friday, reported 24NewsHD TV channel. Qari Karamat has won an international award for his beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran. He was also known as Zeenatul Qura Fakhrul Qura. His Namaz-i-Janaza will be offered at Sitara Valley on Canal Raod at 4pm on Friday.